
lib/repo_small_badge / configuration.rb

105 lines of codes
22 methods
2.5 complexity/method
2 churn
54.2 complexity
0 duplications
# frozen_string_literal: true module RepoSmallBadge # Hidden class to handle the interface to configuration class Configuration
  1. RepoSmallBadge::Configuration has at least 22 methods
def initialize(config_hash) @config = config_hash end def merge!(new_config)
  1. RepoSmallBadge::Configuration has missing safe method 'merge!'
@config.merge!(new_config) end def value_background @config.fetch(:value_background, '#4c1') end def value_color @config.fetch(:value_color, title_color) end def value_font @config.fetch(:value_font, font) end def value_font_size @config.fetch(:value_font_size, font_size) end def title_background @config.fetch(:title_background, '#555') end def background @config.fetch(:background, '#fff') end def title_font @config.fetch(:title_font, font) end def title_font_size @config.fetch(:title_font_size, font_size) end def title_color @config.fetch(:title_color, '#fff') end def font @config.fetch(:font, 'Verdana,sans-serif') end def font_size @config.fetch(:font_size, 11).to_s end def rounded_edge_radius if @config.fetch(:rounded_border, true) @config.fetch(:rounded_edge_radius, '3') else 0 end end def badge_width @config.fetch(:badge_width, 120).to_i end def badge_height @config.fetch(:badge_height, 20).to_i end def badge_middle @config.fetch(:badge_middle, badge_width / 2).to_i end def title_middle badge_middle / 2 end def value_middle badge_middle + (badge_width - badge_middle) / 2 end def filename(suffix = '') prefix = @config.fetch(:filename_prefix, 'badge') format = @config.fetch(:format, 'svg') "#{output_path}/#{prefix}_#{suffix}.#{format}" end def title(suffix) prefix = @config.fetch(:title_prefix, '')
  1. RepoSmallBadge::Configuration#title calls '@config.fetch(:title_prefix, '')' 2 times Locations: 0 1
if prefix.to_s.empty? suffix else "#{@config.fetch(:title_prefix, '')} #{suffix}"
  1. RepoSmallBadge::Configuration#title calls '@config.fetch(:title_prefix, '')' 2 times Locations: 0 1
end end def output_path @config.fetch(:output_path, '.') end end end