
lib/simplecov_small_badge / configuration.rb

55 lines of codes
3 methods
5.6 complexity/method
9 churn
16.79 complexity
0 duplications
# frozen_string_literal: true module SimpleCovSmallBadge # Class to keep all the valid documentations that are required to build the # badge class Configuration # Set up config variables. # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def self.options { with_groups: false, background: '#fff', title_prefix: 'scov', title_background: '#555', title_font: 'Verdana,sans-serif', font_size: 11, title_color: '#fff', coverage_background_bad: '#ff0000', coverage_background_unknown: '#cccc00', coverage_background_good: '#4dc71f', coverage_font: 'Verdana,sans-serif', coverage_font_color: '#fff', coverage_font_size: 11, badge_height: 20, badge_width: 120, filename_prefix: 'coverage_badge', output_path: SimpleCov.coverage_path, log_level: 'info', rounded_border: true, rounded_edge_radius: 3, percent_sign: '%' } end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # set up class variables and getters/setters options.each_key do |opt| define_method(opt) { instance_variable_get "@#{opt}" } define_method("#{opt}=") { |val| instance_variable_set("@#{opt}", val) } end def initialize(**opts) SimpleCovSmallBadge::Configuration .options.merge(opts).each { |opt, v| send(:"#{opt}=", v) }
  1. SimpleCovSmallBadge::Configuration#initialize has the variable name 'v'
end def to_hash hash = {} instance_variables.each do |var| hash[var.to_s.delete('@').to_sym] = instance_variable_get(var) end hash end end end